Accused of a Crime? Call us at 206-621-0500 for a FREE consultation

Every case has its own unique problems, consequences and opportunites. No two cases are alike. We encourage you to call and speak personally to a lawyer about the details of your unique circumstances.


Seattle Criminal Defense Law Firm: Expungement, Vacation of a Criminal Conviction, Reinstatement of the Right to Possess Firearms and Removal of Sex Offender Registration - Serving the Puget Sound area since 1996

The Nahajski Firm has the experience and skill needed to handle your expungement petition. We understand the impact that a criminal record can have on your ability to live your life. Through expungement, you can regain some of the freedom that you have lost following a conviction.

Contact us at 206-812-2995 to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced lawyers.

At The Nahajski Firm, we represent clients seeking reinstatement of their driver's license or right to possess firearms. We also assist clients in petitioning to remove sex offender registration.

If you are seeking to have your name removed from the sex offender registry, our experienced attorneys have a comprehensive understanding of the information and procedures that must be followed to clear your name. Once your record is clear and you are free from the sex offender registration requirements, you can begin to live a new life.

Please note, there may be a waiting period before you can apply for expungement. More importantly, not all criminal convictions are eligible for expungement, vacation or reinstatement. We will always take the time to explain the process and your legal options.

In order to start the expungement/vacation/reinstatement process, our attorneys require the following information:
  • Case number
  • Courthouse
  • Date of conviction
  • Charge
  • Length of probation
If you are seeking an expungement of your criminal record, vacation of a conviction, reinstatement of your right to possess firearms or removal of sex offender registration, we may be able to help. Please contact us online or call us at 206-812-2995 for a free consultation.